Wow, I suck!! (Past Creations)
I went from THAT ^ to THIS >
All in around a year, Its not that I have BAD creations, its just I displayed them so badly, Thank goodness I improved, I am quickly trying to upload creations so I dont have to look back at those ugly mistakes. People must honestly Cringe when they look at the stuff I've done, where as now I am being featured!!
I am sooooooooooo ashamed... Oh, and I just had to download my own creation cuz believe it or not, I couldnt find it on my computer database... I was looking into recolouring it, and could I find the original - NO!! So THANK GOODNESS that I submit to TSR and can download my own work... This was done back in the days where I would just "delete" and think nothing of it, as long as it was out of my game (clogs it up) now I have a external hardrive where I save the screenshot pictures as well as the file, so if ever, i can just pop it into the download file and edit away!! Of course to bring you only the best!!
UPDATE; Just uploaded my first house...Nervously biting my nails wondering what people think!! Picture was taken in Autumn so everything looks golden... but its actually a light blue and a greyish roof
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